LIKES musical theatre, heartstopper, ofmd, dofap, kipo, disney and disney parks, cats, lgbtq kids media, nostalgic media, crochet, snakes, drawing, animal crossing, nintendo, and basically anything else i tweet about lol
BYF i am mentally ill and probably nd, i tweet in all caps sometimes and do not tag, i tweet about lots of different interests so if u follow me for one things sorry lol, i use tone indicators and it would be cool if u used them for me but u don't have to
DNI basic dni criteria, anti xenogenders/neopronouns, don't think he/him lesbians are valid, think bi/pan lesbians are real or that lesbians can like men, minor (17/18 ok, current moots ok), proshippers
TW/CW please tag: images/sounds of vomit, joshua rush (ik this is silly), jumpscares, pet death/loss, and missing pet. if there is anything u'd like me to tag feel free to dm me!

if ur reading this ur gay hahaha